Friday, September 16, 2005

Onward or Reverse?

President Bush's policies he outlined Thursday night from a conservative president, a hallmark of an executive who has never shrunk from seeking to implement a right-leaning agenda even in the face of a divided country. He is after all a Republican, so doing the Right thing is always good.

The divide is not just racial or left vs right, it is about good vs evil in these difficult times.

Bush wants grants and loans for business's, including tax relief. He wants to fund the Hurricane recovery by cutting pork from the budget, not raising taxes or "rolling back" tax cuts. American's have always given in times like these voluntarily, so to add a tax hike on top of the disaster would certainly be the wrong thing to do.

The president also wants the private sector to initiate ideas to start the ball rolling, whereas democrats want to re-implement a nanny state from their past "great society" heyday, in order to keep those mostly poor victims dependent on government welfare, and hence keep elected democrat's seated in power of the state.

The last thing anyone on the left actually wants is for poor people to be given opportunities to make their lives better for themselves.

However, most on the right are truly compassionate people who do care about the poor, and truly desire to help them help themselves.

Think about it. Most of the truly rich are liberal democrats who've claimed for decades how much they want to help the poor. Yet in the poor states when democrats are in control of that state's government, (Louisiana for example) the poor only get poorer because they were bamboozled by fast talking emotionally condescending democrats who promise the world and deliver nothing but more taxes and less jobs, in order to keep them poor.

For without poor people needing government, democrats and their welfare mantra quickly become irrelevant, and that's why they want to keep the poor, poor.

Democrats claim the opposite of the truth–that they want to help the poor,– but they only want their votes, promising them the world with rhetoric like, "We can do more," "We need more resources" (ie tax money) "We must do more," "Tax cuts are for the rich" (the poor don't pay taxes!) and on and on.

The social programs of liberals instituted by democrat politician's don't work in this day and age to get anyone ahead or out of poverty. Mainly because they're ALL corrupt, taking the money they claim is earmarked for the poor, for themselves! Then they claim constantly they need more taxes to keep their silly programs going. It's a huge scam played on the poor by the rich democrats, not Republican's as falsely whined by liberal democrats and their DNC scripted talking-head cohorts in the media.

Then when the next election comes around, the democrats start their promise machine back up and start the whole thing again. This is how democrats remain viable, by lying about or simply covering up what their actual agenda really is, which is to create a socialist government where all citizens become dependent on a shared welfare state that tells everyone what to do, who to see, what they can have, and how much to pay, with democrats in charge.

All one has to do is look at Teddy Kennedy, John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, Dick Durbin, and the Hollywood elite to see how arrogant and stuck up these liberals truly are. Anyone who "feels" these rich democrats have your best interest in mind are fooling themselves, because these rich polititicans are only out for themselves and their like minded groups.

People are waking up to these facts today because of the freedom of information anyone can get through other sources outside of the main stream media, who have had carte blanche on deciding what information gets out to the people for the last 60 years.

There is a revolution coming in this nation and the liberal democrats are scared to death as they're being found out for the liars they are and have been all these many years.

The liberal media is losing their base, democrat liars are being exposed, Republicans are seen as honest and for the people who want freedom against government control.