Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Google's Grandiose Gamble

Could the worlds biggest search engine be about to crumble like the dot coms of the 1990's?

Google, the biggest player in the global Internet advertising market, gets the vast majority of its revenue from Web search advertising.

There is a current class action lawsuit against Google, charging that the company over charged its advertising customers. Google of course denies it. It's grandiose image is starting to tarnish as people begin to realize the stakes of gambling on a search engine.

Shares of Google closed down $1.10 to $291.25 on Nasdaq. The stock is 7.2 percent below its record close of $313.94 on July 21.

The political party who constantly criticizes the other of being the one who caters to the "rich" has been exposed for the valueless liars they are.

Democrats have blamed Republicans for decades as being the party of big corporations who give tax cuts to their wealthy friends. But the reality it is that the democrat supporters who are the richest men in the world, giving big dinner fund raisers and millions for advertising purposes against republicans in order to get power over the people to then steal their money in higher taxes for wasteful or non-existent "government" welfare programs. Democrats are simply massive liars who cannot be trusted by the public, especially in this age of terrorism.

Image hosted by Photobucket.comGoogle is one of those companies, who just happens to have billions of dollars to give. In fact, the CEO of Google, Eric Schmidt who's shares are worth in excess of $1.5 BILLION, held a $10,000.00/plate dinner for the failed vice president Al Gore in 2000. Why didn't he just fork over the money himself? Because he's a greasy-selfish-bastard like all democrats!

If you'll remember, Al Gore was playing the class warfare card then! Democrats always say the opposite of the truth, and the liberal media lets them do it in order to keep the truly rich ones happy while falsely claiming they're the party who cares about the little guy.

What a crock!

Can you believe how they lie? George Soros is a mega-billionaire who got rich off of others by cutting down the stock prices of companies with insider trading gimmicks. He's also a major supporter of democrats, giving the Kerry campaign well over $200 million of his stolen money.

So anytime you hear the democrats playing the class warfare card, know that it is they who are the party of the ULTRA-RICH, who don't pay taxes because their money is in Switzerland banks.

That's why they want YOU to pay for everything by imposed taxes!


At 12:19 PM, Blogger Bradley Herring said...

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At 9:32 AM, Blogger Bradley Herring said...

Ha! Douchebag conservo-fascists!

At 9:33 AM, Blogger Bradley Herring said...

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