Monday, July 11, 2005

Obama: "Dems have no values"

A rally at Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church on Sunday, the first question to U.S. Sen. Barack Obama, D-IL, was this: "I see a Democratic Party afraid to say they're Democrats, who voted for the war in Iraq and voted for tax cuts for the wealthy," said Glenn Anderson of Orlando. "Why should I remain a Democrat?"

Image hosted by Photobucket.comThe answer given by Obama was more revealing than intended. "The Democrats at times have lost their way," conceded Obama. "We are trying to decide what our core values are."

With that lame answer, Mr. Anderson, has likely switched to being a Republican now, like millions of others who've realized democrats have absolutely nothing of value to offer America.

Weighing in on the rising costs of health-care, Obama gave his small audience this empty rhetoric -- "We're all getting hurt" -- and the out-sourcing of American jobs. The biggest challenge in the United States, he said, is how to make sure workers can support families in a global economy.

"We're seeing manufacturing jobs leave [America]," Obama said. "We're losing those jobs and ending up at fast-food restaurants with no benefits. Oh, yes, and gas prices are going up." Reportedly, the audience responded with "hefty" applause to the senator's whining.

But one has to take note that nowhere in Obama's words were any solutions whatsoever. None. His so-called "star power" is vein and worthless in the long run because it has no basis in reality. Describing the problem doesn't fix them. Whining about things won't get the job done, and that is all the democrats have to offer other than feel good rhetoric, because they have no ideas on how to do anything other than raise taxes on the rich, which has now been proven to be a failed idea having the opposite effect of the stated result democrats have promised time and again.

Here's what Hillary had to say on Mondy, "There has not yet been one net job created in the last four years" - a claim contradicted by economic statistics.

The fact is that job numbers have increased steadily during president Bush's leadership since his predecessor left the nation in a recession after his false bubble-economy popped and millions lost their jobs because of Clinton's huge tax hikes that strangled American corporations and small business productivity. Last Friday's unemployment was down to 5%, the lowest in four years which outs Hillary as the biggest liar in the world. She just can't face reality!

Of course democrats have no answers because they don't even know what they or America stand for. Oh sure, they say they stand up for the "little guy," but in reality they don't. What democrats do is cater to their wealthy hollywood friends and corporate CEO's with party's and media events offering a lot of glitz and sizzle, but no steak. How much good does any of that do for the people? None!

To a litany of social ills, Nelson responded more than once, "I have and will continue to fight for the least of those among us." What a crock!

Sorry Nelson, but the people want answers, not a continual head butt against the wall that offers no solutions. Democrats have certainly lost their way and their values are non-existent because they've been exposed for who they are, which are corrupt appeasers who care only about themselves and want to take the people's money away and waste it on inept government programs that don't do squat for anyone, but keep people locked into a bad way of life while promising them better days ahead with more empty words.

Senator Obama is all show and no go, as are most democrats at their liberal core.

But he looks and sounds good, doesn't he?



At 11:30 PM, Blogger Bradley Herring said...

Ha! I found you, you little coward piece of shit.

By the way, you're an idiot. You either 1. back up your facts by linking to whatever credible site or news source you found them or 2. (much more likely) stop pulling them out of your ass.

At 1:03 AM, Blogger prying1 said...

Found you through Brad's site - Right on re: Senator Obama and his "We are trying to decide what our core values are.".

If this group doesn't know their core values by now then perhaps they could learn them through the abusive language that Brad vomits forth. - Keep on blogging - I'll be back!

At 1:19 AM, Blogger Bradley Herring said...

Yeah, Republicans can't stand things like "facts" or "logic." They prefer just to label opponents "traitors" and "terrorist sympathizers" when the government that they support is the largest terrorist regime in the world.

Have fun!

At 9:46 AM, Blogger frstlymil said...

Let me just inform all of you that Ottman - this true anti-American - advised on Brother Kenya's site that half the U.S. population should be killed by firing squad. While he didn't specifically say so, one can assume that this includes children. Sounds awfully radical extremist to me. I doubt that traditional Republicans would want to have a thing to do with him.

At 12:33 PM, Blogger OTTMANN said...

Well it's clear that the leftist loser are having another temper tantrum when the truth is thown in their faces.

Brad, you can look up the facts for yourself, I'm not your mommy.

The U.S. is NOT a terrorist regime Mr. Beret. If it wasn't for us, You'd be living under a dictator, with no freedom which is probably your dream because you can't handle your own life.

Enigma is clearly a loser with those dumb comments.

America and the world would probably be better off without liberalism, which is a danger to the rest of us just as terroriism is.

Tell me what good liberals are? What good do any of them do? Because they care? B.S.! About what? Answer: THEMSELVES! period! They protest? Yeah, against doing the right thing because they hate America.

They're all just a bunch of whiners who have no clue about reality and what being an American really is. NONE! But obviously my vent about the firing squad was over the top and would not happen. DUH!

At 4:28 PM, Blogger Bradley Herring said...

Who is this cocksucker, Karl Rove? Hmmm, no profile, no information given about himself.

This guy's an administration plant. Only someone involved with this administration would have facts this patently idiotic and such a shoddy grasp of the English language ("movtives"? Come on.)

Ten bucks says this moron has been hired to spread bullshit about liberals and is getting paid by the federal government.

Any takers?

At 4:36 PM, Blogger Bradley Herring said...

Does anyone really need any more proof of the right-wing leading this country to fascism? This asshole wants to execute everyone who doesn't agree with him.

And my case is fucking rested. Thanks, Ottmann.

At 5:14 PM, Blogger Pikkel Weezel said...

Hey man, seems we have a common friend (insert sarcasm here), Brad. What an ignorant dipshit he is. He actually has an animated banner on his site leading to the now proven bogus Downing Street Memo. He seems to enjoy proving what a gullable dumbass he is. Add to that the fact that he is incapable of mustering up an original thought, and I wonder why his family hasn't taken away his computer in an attempt to stop him from making a fool of himself on a daily basis.

At 7:14 PM, Blogger Bradley Herring said...

And where was it proven bogus? Were you asleep? Was it in your dream?

Fucking little coward. I hope you and Ottmann have tons of fun blowing each other.

It's a wonder your mom hasn't called you back in for dinner yet. You still live with your parents, don't you? Yeah, I thought so.

And by the way, it's spelled "gullible," you fucking moron. They're called books. Crack one open.

At 7:24 PM, Blogger Bradley Herring said...

It sure is fun making Republicans all whiny, isn't it Enigma?

Can't you just see them sitting there, reading, about to cry that their silly little illusions are crumbling around them?

Ha! Idiots!

At 8:19 PM, Blogger OTTMANN said...

You have wonder what planet Brad and Enigma are from, cause they certainly can't be from earth.

Big Brad and his Beret said: "It sure is fun making Republicans all whiny, isn't it Enigma?

Can't you just see them sitting there, reading, about to cry that their silly little illusions are crumbling around them?

Ha! Idiots!"

Enigma America said...
"Their illusions crumbled a long time ago. They are just in denial. Somebody might want to refer them to a good shrink.

Closed minds tend to implode when faced with reality......thus, they need a shrink."

WOW, the maturity or lack thereof between them is incredible.

You'd amost think Clinton was still president and democrats won the last Three elections, and have full control of congress, from what these two say.

Talk about not living in reality, Brad and Enigma are clearly stuck in some wacko world of their own making, like tripping on LSD. If it's not that, then they've got more problems to deal with than whining about politics.


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