Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Dems should take lesson from Lieberman

Concerning the war in Iraq, most democrat's are proving to the nation how hypocritically wrong and unAmerican they are in their desire to retreat from Iraq, especially with elections happening this week that will give the new Iraqi government a solid foundation on the road to full democracy in the middle east.

Democrats always want to put people into certain groups they can label.
Already we're hearing in the liberal media how unsuccessful the voting will be because the Sunni's are not fully taking part, yet. Even when a new ABC poll shows that 71% of Iraqis say their lives are better now than ever, despite divisions between "groups."

During the 2000 presidential race, Senator Lieberman was viewed as a sell-out for saying things Al Gore wanted him to, but that went against the values he had shown previously through many years of service.

Erroneously sensing political vulnerability in Bush’s handling of Iraq, Democrats are anxious to craft another anti-war theme to unite the disorganized party for the pivotal midterm congressional elections, even though they failed badly in their last try during the 2004 elections.

Democrats dream for a resurgent anti-war tide in 2006 to halt the GOP’s 12-year lock on the House and win back the Senate for the first time since 2001. Unfortunately for the hateful liberals, the war will be mostly over by next november as the Iraqi government takes more control against terrorists'. But then there's Iran to deal with.

Now it seems that Mr. Lieberman has corrected himself by sticking to his convictions in supporting the war effort, to the dismay of many democrats who've gone against him and their own votes for the war with ridiculous claims from the far left that the president and vice president lied, even well after claiming Saddam had WMD's going back to 1998. Where so many democrats have blinded themselves, Mr. Lieberman sees plainly what we along with our allies are fighting for in the War On Terror, against radical Muslims who want to force Islam onto the world.

According to this Washington Times editorial,Iranian intentions, Iran's president Mr. Mahmoud Ahmedinijad's agenda, which is strongly supported by Iran's clerics, precludes the possibility that Iran will stop developing its nuclear weapons and therefore that there can be a peaceful resolution for this problem.
    Iran claims that it deserves to be a nuclear power like the United States and Russia. However, unlike the United States and Russia, which developed nuclear arsenals as mechanisms of deterrence, Iran by all indications is developing a nuclear arsenal as a mechanism to set off a chain reaction of death resulting in the destruction of a third of the world's population in order to facilitate the arrival of the Mahdi.
    Not surprisingly, Iran has just passed a new law to ban foreign inspections of its nuclear facilities, and at the same time announced its plan to build 20 more nuclear plants.

Leftists' like Howard Dean, suddenly claim they didn't say what they did. Fortunately, the facts are recorded that expose their denials of reality, thus making them look deceptive and weak at the same time. Our troops and the public deserve better than this current crop of liberal liars and moderates playing politics during wartime.

This insane hypocrisy is not just playing politics, it is a vicious attempt to overthrow the American government during a time of war, by a party that has let itself be hijacked by shills so far left, they make the old soviet's look conservative.

By now, everyone realizes these cowardly naysayers with defeatist attitudes are Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Howard Dean, John Edwards, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, the leaders of the democratic party, trying to make Hillary Clinton look like a centrist, care only about their power and money over the little guy while claiming the exact opposite to the public through their media cohorts.

These Dems who claim to speak for the entire party, want the United States of America to bail out like we did in Vietnam, and show the world that we are just a paper tiger who retreats in times of trouble. Then if they can get the Bush administration to do that, they'll turn the tables and go the other way, thus exposing their ultimate hypocrisy. For them it is all about their politics, not about doing the right thing for America or anyone else in the world. For even more proof of how lost the dems are, read this right-on article by David Limbaugh:... Democrats: Boxed in politically .

After the sacrifices of Vietnam, America lost due to the weak-kneed policy of the left demanding a pull out from the war, on the cusp of victory. That is exactly what they're trying do again, but failing miserably as most American's remember the disaster liberals made of our position in the world with their selfish pettiness then.

Immature liberals should keep quiet and let the grown-ups save our world without hearing their incessant whining. Perhaps it would be a good idea to move the voting age up to at least age 21, so these boisterous youngen's have a chance to be deprogrammed by reality from the Michael Moore, Al Freakin and MoveON.org's marxist brainwashing machine.


At 2:10 PM, Blogger Gayle said...

Very well said Ottman! My sentiments exactly, as you probably already know. I posted about the voting today on My Republican Blog, and my comments at the end of the arguement, though shorther than yours, amount to the same thing.



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